Increase Your Website Speed With HTTP2

What is HTTP2 and Why Does It Matter?
October 24, 2015 by
OERP Canada, Liana Baciu

What Is HTTP2 And Why Does It Matter?

Add Speed To Your Website

    In the ideal world, our clients can access web pages with a quick click regardless of how many images, products or other complexities these pages involve. This is a rare occurrence despite continuous advances in network connections and processing power, among other improvements. Recent trends in web development have resulted in increasingly larger and more numerous 'assets' (ex. images, videos or CSS). As a result, we still face speed impediments with page load times.

    Since loading time is a crucial component of customer satisfaction, OERP strives to help you achieve the fastest loading time for your website. This is where the HTTP change comes in:

HTTP 1.1

    Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) 1.1 has been the standard since 1999. This protocol is related to the communication between a client and a server. Under HTTP a connection would be established between the client and the server in order for the client to request particular resources or information.

    Version 1.1 offered several advantages to keep browsing swift, including caching previously loaded content and reusing the same connection for more than one download.

    Some challenges included bottlenecks created by serial information requests, only partial compression of some content and being limited to single requests at a time over a connection.

What's new with HTTP2

With the arrival of HTTP2 in 2015, a few things have changed browsing speed:

  1. Server now pushes info to client: speed is gained by anticipating what information will be requested next and having it sent ahead of time.

  2. Some resolution of 'head-of-line' blocking: because differently prioritized requests no longer back up the reception of information, anything that is received loads when it arrives.

  3. Header compression: the initial loading of a page allows for more information to be sent up-front through a joining together of several pieces of information with the header information.

  4. Multiple uses of a single TCP connection: by sending multiple, parallel requests through one connection, the client gets more responses quicker than having to wait for requests to be sent serially.

    When you host your website through OERP you will get the advantage of the latest developments in speed via HTTP2, as well as security and support. We take pride in bringing you up to new standards as fast as possible. Click the button below to contact us.

Learn more about HTTP2 and our Hosting Services